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This accounting text is primarily targeted at students studying accounting within applied management programmes related to the Hospitality, Tourism (incorporating Travel, Tourism and Leisure) and Retail sectors. The text begins by introducing the reader to the components and characteristics of the Hospitality, Tourism and Retail sectors before focusing on Management Accounting issues such as:
- The role of management and management accounting
- Cost analysis and classification systems
- Absorption and activity based costing
- Marginal costing and CVP analysis
- Relevant costs and revenues for decision-making
- Pricing and customer profitability analysis
- Profit sensitivity analysis
- Budgetary planning and the budgetary process
- Budgetary control and variance analysis
- Standard costing and variance analysis
- Performance appraisal
- Performance measurement frameworks – The balanced scorecard
- Capital investment appraisal
The text deals with all of these issues at a level appropriate for students of applied management programmes and assumes no prior knowledge of accounting.
The text is also accompanied by a lecturer’s website containing PowerPoint presentation material including suggested solutions to questions
Donncha O’Donoghue is a lecturer in accounting at the Dublin Institute of Technology, based in the Department of Hospitality Management and Tourism.
Alice Luby is a lecturer in accounting at Dublin Institute of Technology, based in the Department of Marketing.
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