Understanding your leadership style is a key aspect of running your own successful business. In Business with Yourself is a book about business leadership, based on over 20 years of the author’s experience as a business owner and her observations of business and organisational leadership as a business leadership coach. In Business with Yourself emphasises that as a business leader you are supported and constrained by the type of person you are. As a business leader, setting up, running and leading an effective business or department is about more than just function. The reader is taken through a self-assessment process examining values, goals, personality, and approach to business risk to decide on a dominant business identity using the unique Executive Identity Model which runs throughout the book.
In Business with Yourself covers:
- An innovative approach to business through leadership identity
- The eight identities of a business leader
- Looking at identity leadership in the business life cycle
- Looking at ways business leaders can succeed using their unique leadership identity
- Functioning as a leader
- How your leadership identity works with others
- Examining your business support team
- How you can get the most out of your leadership efforts
- Examining your exit strategy
Guidance is provided throughout with the use of descriptions, case examples, tips, ideas and exercises for the reader to improve their understanding and leadership approach.
Michelle Lestas grew up with a family business. As a business owner of many years, entrepreneurship is part of her DNA and she is renowned for her direct and practical approach to business leadership. Michelle is also a well-known business development consultant across the UK and Ireland, having worked with CEOs from large organisations through to small business owners. A captivating public speaker, Michelle has worked across many industries in the UK, Ireland and Europe and has been a board member on numerous boards across business enterprise, colleges and charities.
Mark Canning –
A fantastic leadership book by a serious business professional. A must read for anyone in business or interested in business. Has lots of practical ideas and pointers also.